part-time government jobs

This day and age is all about speed and juggling the line between ones private and professional life is not an easy task. On the other hand, the Indian government offers a wide variety of part-time government jobs and government positions for people who look for an opportunity which encourages flexibility and portability in the job. These roles not only bring financial security but also help in the countrys development. In this article, we will visit the list of 10 most popular part-time government jobs in India, describing their functions, duties and remuneration.

Top 10 Part-time Government Jobs in India

Here are the Top 10 Part-time government jobs in India:

1. Part-Time Guest Faculty

By working with Part-time government jobs as a part-time guest faculty, you will be able to pass your knowledge and experience on to the students. Your duties will be to give lectures, to hold seminars, and to help in the academic activities on a part-time basis.

Salary Package: A part-time guest faculty get the salary in the range of ₹25,000 to ₹50,000 per month so it varies from institution to institution and your academic qualifications.

2. Data Entry Operator

One of the most important part-time government jobs is part-time Data Entry Operator, they indeed play a vital role in the proper functioning of the organizations. The tasks that you will be assigned to are data entry, record-keeping, and clerical assistance.

Salary Package: Data entry employee earning in the range of ₹8,000 to ₹15,000 per month depends upon the organization and your experience.

3. Part-time Consultant

Part time Consultant is one of the very popular Part-time government jobs in India. Part-time consultants are often recruited by the government whenever they need expert advice and suggestions on various matters. As a part-time consultant, you will be a researcher, data analyst, and a solver of problems in your area of expertise, for example, finance, technology, or policy-making.

Salary Package: The remuneration of a part-time consultant is drastically different depending on the area, organization, and your knowledge base, beginning from ₹30,000 and increasing to ₹1,00,000 per month or more.

4. Part-Time Healthcare Personnel

Government hospitals and health centers frequently need volunteer help to cope with the increasing shortage of personnel when many medical staff are needed. Apart from your role as a medical professional, it will be your responsibility to provide medical services such as consultation for assessing and prescribing medications, treatment, and emergency care if need be.

Salary Package: The part-time medical professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and paramedics, usually have the salary of ₹25,000-₹75,000 per month, which is based on their qualifications and experience.

Part-time Government Jobs in India

5. Part-time Language Experts

Indian, being a country of different ethno linguistic backgrounds, has the multi-lingual communication needs in all government agencies. As part of a translation/interpretation team, you will be responsible for converting documents and communications from diverse languages.

Salary Package: The salary for part-time translators/interpreters usually ranges from ₹15,000 to ₹30,000 per month, which depends on the language combination and your level of expertise.

6. Part-time Court Clerk

Being unable to have enough time because of being busy with different tasks and documents for the court clerk. Being a court clerk for the part-time period will require you to be responsible for record keeping, filing documents, and acting as a clerk to the judges and lawyers.

Salary Package: The average salary of a part-time court clerk usually varies from ₹15,000 to ₹25,000 per month, depending on your experience and qualifications.

7. Part-time Survey Fieldworkers

Government researches, social surveys, and related studies that are aimed to gather information and data on different aspects of society are commonly conducted. During the process of your position as the court clerksurvey enumerator, you will perform the field surveys, collect data and check data for accuracy.

Salary Package: The wages for a part-time survey enumerator usually vary from ₹10,000 to ₹20,000 per month, depending on the time length and area of the survey.

8. Call Center Representative

The government agencies, mostly, need staffing assistance for the services that involves inquiries handling, complaints taking, and call back assistance for citizen services. When playing the role of a part-time call center representative you are expected to answer inquiries, resolve problems and take care of the cases related to government services.

Salary Package: The average salary for a part-time call center agent is usually between ₹12,000 and ₹18,000 per month, with incentives for exceeding the targets and performance.

9. Part-time Accountant

Record-keeping and accounting are the things that are very important for government organizations. As a part-time accountant, you will bear the responsibility of keeping financial records in place, preparing reports, and guaranteeing the adherence to the accounting standard rules and regulations.

Salary Package: The salary for a part-time accountant is usually in the range from ₹20,000, for beginners, to ₹35,000 for thoroughly experienced professionals with appropriate qualifications.

10. Social Media Manager

Social Media Manager is considered as top and trending Part-time government jobs in India. The digital age is when governments agencies are more and more started to use social media platforms for communication with citizens and promotion of their initiatives. Among the many duties entrusted to you as a part-time social media manager, you will always have to create and manage social media content, reply and engage with the online community, and track social media trends.

Salary Package: However, a social media manager salaries can be ₹15,000 to ₹30,000 per month depending on the size of the job and the employer.


Indian part-time government jobs are a great chance to help the countrys growth and at the same time have a balanced life. No matter whether you are a student or a competent individual looking for extra income, a professional searching for part-time job or simply an experienced person who is searching for engagements, there is numerous amount of part-time government positions available in many areas. Visit as a part-time job seeker for more information about the current openings, requirements and how you can apply.

Frequently Asked Questions

Qualifications may differ by position, but often require a high school diploma and sometimes even a bachelor's degree for most part-time federal work.

Certainly, you can apply for the part-time government jobs even if you're already employed full-time else where, as long as you can handle the workload and schedules effectively.

On the part of government jobs in a part-time manner, the specific titles may differ among different cities and states. However, the central and state governments are agencies that organize jobs of this kind and are located in many cities.

Nowadays, there are many part-time jobs that are available at the government office and job portals. Rozgar ( a governmental job portal ) is a good example of the websites where one can find and apply for employment opportunities. online visit websites such as com, and get on the official websites of said organizations.

It's a possibility that a job in a government it in part-time may transform into a full-time state employment, but it highly depends on the organization's policies, conducted review of work, and availability of full-time jobs.

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