We all know how tough it is to get your desired job profile these days. The joy is hard to explain when you finally get through the offer letter, but that excitement changes to the dilemma as to how will you put up your resignation letter and negotiate the notice period to join your new job.
Also if you are getting a better opportunity and your new employer asking you to join at the earliest, requesting an early release from the notice period from your current employer can become a challenging task sometimes. Don’t let that anxiety and random negative thoughts destroy your decision, as there are several ways to find out how to negotiate the notice period with your current employer.
Understanding notice period for resignation
First thing first, let’s understand what is a notice period for resignation?
A notice period for resignation is the time you serve in the company before you can officially exit the current employer. It is important to follow this last stage because your current employer needs your replacement to maintain the workflow.
The duration of this notice period is usually 1-3 months which completely depends on the work profile. However, there can be different genuine unavoidable situations where employees can ask for a shorter notice period time. But this is also important to keep in mind that even after such situations, an employee is liable to serve at least 2 weeks of the notice period.
Types of notice period negotiation
Now let’s understand the types of negotiation. There are two types of notice period negotiation-
1. Buyout
2. Garden leave
Also known as salary in lieu of notice, it is the most convenient and common practice to easily exit any organization without facing any issues. In this practice, you can ask your new employer to buy out the remaining notice period so that they can take you onboard timely.
Garden leave-
In this type, the employees can stay away from the organization during the notice period but they still have to remotely work for the employer.
Tips For Writing Notice Period For Resignation
1. Speak up with the management: It is important to discuss everything clearly with your manager and HR if you are looking for any solution regarding a short notice period. The employer has to take all the necessary measures to ensure that the ongoing work should not be affected.
2. Choose the right format: Once you are done with the discussion with the management team, you can then move on to the next step of drafting the notice period letter with a correct and acceptable format. Since the written request to reduce the notice period comes under the official document, it should be written in the proper format.
3. Mention the post: It is important to inform the employer with all the relevant information about your resignation including the post you are working on. The employer will then find your replacement within the given time especially when you are writing to reduce the 3 months notice period for a resignation letter.
4. Explain with genuine reasons: This is an easy-to-understand fact that an explanation with genuine reasons will be required before accepting the request. For example, if there is a health-related emergency, then you can mention the reason and attach all the relevant documents. And if your new job is in a different city and you have to move out for that, then you can mention this as a genuine concern for shortening the notice period.
5. Show gratitude: Just like formal communication, end your request with some gratitude towards your manager and team members. You can highlight it with statements like what you have learned throughout your journey and how it can take you to heights.
6. End it with a signature: Whether you are writing a formal mail or a letter, always end it with your signature, which completes your application for reducing the notice period.
Tips For Writing Notice Period For Resignation Will Help You To Draft An Acceptable Request.

Sample of Resignation email with notice period
Greetings (recipient’s name),
I am writing to inform you about my 2-week notice period before resigning from my position of (job title) from this company. My last working day will be (proposed date)
As discussed, (genuine explanation) is the reason why I have to leave on a 2 weeks notice period. I will be available if there is any requirement or any other assistance required for the team.
I would like to thank this organization for giving me the opportunity to work with (manager’s name), team members, and other support staff. This learning phase will be cherished for a long period of time.
I’m writing this mail as my formal resignation as I have to move ahead for my professional as well as personal growth, kindly accept. Please make sure that I will be relieved by (proposed date) as I will not be able to work for the same job profile after that.
Thanks and Regards,
(Your name)
Resignation letter with notice period sample
Full name
Contact number
Email id
Present date
Employer name
(Job profile)
Company name
Company address
State & Pincode
Greetings (employer name),
Im writing to inform you about my 2-week notice period, I will then resign from my position of (job profile) from this company. My last working day will be (complete date)
As discussed, (genuine reason and explanation) is the reason why I have to leave on a 2 weeks notice period. I will be available if there is any requirement or any other assistance required for the team.
I would like to thank this organization for giving me the opportunity of working with (manager name), team members, and other support staff. This learning phase will be cherished for a long period of time.
I’m writing this letter as my formal resignation as I have to move ahead for my professional as well as personal growth, kindly accept. Please make sure that I will be relieved by (date) as I will not be able to work for the same job profile after that.
Thanks and Regards,
(Your name and signature)
While formally informing the organization, you can reach both manager and HR in the email. On the other hand, while informing via letter, you will have to drop 2 separate letters to HR and the manager.
Writing a formal resignation email is one of the necessities before making an exit. It can be challenging but only if you aren’t aware of the basic tips. We hope our article helps you to have a graceful exit from your current organization with a formally accepted resignation.
Good luck!
Frequently Asked Questions
This is the reason why it is always important to read the offer letter and clear everything before joining a new organization. You are liable to serve the mentioned notice period, but you can still talk to the HR and team manager to request shortening your notice period supported with genuine reasons.
Whether you are looking to reduce the notice period or avail of the buyout option, you need to inform the organization and discuss the managerial approval for everything related to the notice period.
Write a formal request in proper format and explain your current situation to successfully exit the organization with a relieving letter.
Well, The time of serving the notice period is mentioned on the offer letter, in such cases you can ask your new employer to allow you to serve the notice period. You can tell them that you were handling a crucial position in the company that needs the mentioned notice period to be served for finding the replacement.